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Book Description

The mini-book “pH MADNESS,” is essentially the 1st salvo in a war for our health. An epic struggle brews regarding water & vast, well funded propaganda. We are being unknowingly & unwittingly brainwashed on a daily basis.


The knowledge contained in this book is so powerful, it threatens to bring down a billion dollar industry. Mr. Bezanis pulls no punches, because of that, heated arguments have resulted over the mere mention of this work.


Ignorance of the information in “pH MADNESS” can spell tremendous sickness. Awareness of the truths given and myths shattered in this mini-book will save your life.



  • Use the pH scale as a life measuring tool
  • Why bodies must burn acids to be alkaline
  • Simply cooking our food can make us sick
  • pH testing reveals trouble before it starts
  • How cancer is defeated by raw acidic foods
  • The color & oder of your urine tells a story
  • Bad water “burns out” the immune system


The Author
Considered the worlds’ foremost authority on face reading, Roger Bezanis has now earned a new crown as Professor pH. Renowned as a profound author researcher, formulator, healthcare pioneer, educator and mentor Roger Bezanis, has redefined cellular life itself. Completely self trained via the greatest minds healthcare has ever known, he holds no allegiances or alliances with any group or dogma. When Mr. Bezanis says “it works,” it is because empirical testing has borne out these effects time and time again. His interviews found on YouTube and running information feed found on twitter.com are magnets of education. Now offering certification in his teachings, he has created a legion of new healers unparalleled in their abilities. His health axioms are; lead by example, teach only empirical truth, heal those who ask, dispel the lies of healthcare and stop mans decline into the torment of drugs and surgery.


Mr. Bezanis is guided by three basic principles, 1) Anyone can heal, 2) Healing starts with education and taking personal responsibility, 3) Exact diagnosis leads to right solutions, which lead directly and only to healing results.

pH Madness

Only 6 left in stock
  • pH Madness
    By Roger Bezanis96 Pages

    ISBN-13: 978-0578055923

    Release date: May 15, 2010

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